Motoring Offences

We have extensive experience of representing clients accused of motoring offences and we charge competitive fees for this service, where Legal Aid is not available.

Our fees will depend on whether you are pleading Guilty or Not Guilty and the number of hearings involved. The work involved typically includes

·         considering evidence

·         providing advice

·         discussing with you any exceptional circumstances or special reasons which be explained to the court

·         representation at a single hearing

Example fee if pleading guilty, based on two hours’ preparation (meeting with you, considering evidence, advising and taking your instructions) and representing you in court at a single hearing –  £420 (our fee of £350 plus £70 VAT*).

Example fee if pleading not-guilty, based on half a day of preparation (meeting you, considering evidence, advising and taking your instructions), and representing you in court at a single hearing – £870 (our fee of £700 plus £140 VAT*).

Examples of things that may increase the fee include interviewing and taking statements from any witnesses, instructing any experts needed or representing you at a “Special Reasons” hearing.

If you need advice and/or representation, call us now: 0121 520 3599 or email us at

* VAT is a government tax which we are obliged to charge you and pass on to the Government. VAT amounts quoted above are calculated at the current rate of VAT which is 20%. The Government can change the rate of VAT which would alter the amount of VAT payable. The amount of VAT charged on bills will be at the appropriate VAT rate in force at the relevant time.